
Foam, Frame & Mechanical Repairs and Replacement for Furniture

Over time, the interior of your furniture and seating can deteriorate or break, losing support, shape and comfort. The Leather Doctor can improve the comfort and use-ability of your furniture. These services include foam replacement, furniture frame repairs and recliner mechanism replacements.

The Leather Doctors extensive training ensures they are qualified in assessing the configuration of furniture. They can remove leather and fabric coverings without damage to access the internal sections that are in need of repair.

The Leather Doctors are highly skilled in all aspects of internal furniture repairs including: 

  • Recliner mechanism replacements
  • Furniture frame repairs
  • Suspension repairs
  • Component replacements
  • Trigger replacements in electric and manual recliners
  • Foam replacement and foam boosting
  • Webbing repairs and replacement
  • Button replacement
  • Stitching repairs

With over 30 years’ experience in foam replacements, furniture frame repairs and recliner mechanism replacements, The Leather Doctor is the foremost expert in furniture restoration and repair. We provide honest and technically correct options for your furniture repair requirements.

Most foam replacements, furniture frame repairs and recliner mechanism replacements can be conducted where the furniture resides (in your home or office). All onsite repairs are performed with the utmost care and respect. If furniture is required to be taken off-site for repair due to its size or shape, it is cared for in dedicated offsite Leather Doctor facilities.

Have furniture in need of foam replacement, furniture frame repairs and recliner mechanism replacements? Contact your local Leather Doctor today for a free quote

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Why Should You Use A Leather Doctor For Your Vinyl Or Leather Furniture Cleaning?

  • Leather Doctors are specifically trained in vinyl and leather cleaning and conditioning. It is our core business and we use specially formulated products and processes to ensure the cleaning services we offer are first class.
  • We use high quality leather cleaning products to lift out dirt, body oils, sweat and soiling without adversely affecting the leather.
  • After leather cleaning, we use a high quality leather upholstery conditioner to restore suppleness to the leather. This prevents it from cracking and splitting.
  • Our leather care specialists understand how to properly care for all kinds of leather, giving you the confidence to trust them to safely and effectively clean your leather furniture.

Book in to have your leather furniture cleaned by contacting your local Leather Doctor today.

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